ZebroidDocumentationAPICreation of plugins

Creation of plugins

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In program: Plugins → Manager of extensions
Zebroid allows to expand functionality of program by creating the user plugins. Plugins are written in programming language PHP therefore for creation of plugins you should have at least minimum knowledge of this language.

To create a plugin cause the contextual menu in the list of plugins of the Manager of extension and choose point «Create a plugin». After that can pass on tab «Scripts» for a direct writing of a plugin.


Scripts for plugins of Zebroid are carried out on the server part, and it means that on them applied the same rules, as for any other scripts in language PHP. Zebroid only gives additional functions for access to the data of the project and their management.

Built in functions

Functions that works with Excel

Features of work with the data

  • At removal its record id changes on-1. Whether this sign can be used to learn is worked we at present with remote record
  • If remote record to establish id excellent from-1, then such record will be restored
  • If records to change parametre parent_id — then record will be moved to the new parent
  • If records to change value is_static — then record will be moved to a corresponding tree

List of parametres of record

  • id — the record identifier
  • is_static — whether value defining static is page or not
  • title — a record name
  • alt_name — alt_name records
  • keywords — keywords records
  • description — description records
  • text — the record text (HTML)
  • tags — record labels
  • date — date of the publication of record in a format дд.мм.гггг чч: нн: сс
  • draught — whether value defining is record draught
  • parent_id — id parental record (-1 if record is in a root or it is static page)
  • zebrum_h1 — parametre h1 in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_menu — parametre menu in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_template — parametre template in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_template_zhtml — parametre template_zhtml in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_time — parametre time in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_sort — parametre sort in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_menuid — parametre menuid in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_nosubmenu — parametre nosubmenu in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_nomenuitem — parametre nomenuitem in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_menuorder — parametre menuorder in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_module — parametre module in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_params — parametre params in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_donotlist — parametre donotlist in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_split — parametre split in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_filter — parametre filter in properties Zebrum Lite
  • zebrum_charset — parametre charset in properties Zebrum Lite

Attention: all parametres at preservation to be obligatory in the line. Even if the parameter has numerical character, all the same it at preservation should is stored as a line, differently the interpreter it will pass